So to help non-technical students get started, Bizness Apps, a DIY app development platform, has been giving free access to any student with a. It provides a type of entrepreneurial education that is unobtainable in the classroom, and can even spur the economy if it turns into a full-fledged business. That being said, the trend of students starting companies (app-based or not) is great. The only problem is that there are far fewer developers than ideas, and no CS major is going to turn your napkin sketches into a full-fledged app for a 3 percent stake in the business. This is especially true on college campuses, where starting an app has seemingly replaced beer pong as the most popular extracurricular activity. In 2016, everyone and their mother has an idea for an app.

“We just need a technical co-founder!” “We have the idea, we’re just trying to find a CS major to build it!”